Exploring different lighting (personal project).
Original characters; local colors
Original characters; local colors
In a room on fire
In a room on fire
In the early morning
In the early morning
Sepia, having just rewatched Over the Garden Wall
Sepia, having just rewatched Over the Garden Wall
On a bright night
On a bright night
On a brighter night
On a brighter night
At sunset
At sunset
At sunset with a sun that doesn't want to go
At sunset with a sun that doesn't want to go
Night with a very enthusiastic moon
Night with a very enthusiastic moon
Edgy neon
Edgy neon
Having just watched John Wick
Having just watched John Wick
*Color styling for 2D short Welcome to Dolly's House from Hytree Studio (New Taipei City)
can be found locked in the Visdev page, password on request to clairhuang228@gmail.com! 