

I'm deceased

This is fine

DIE (he's fine he's immortal)

Fate/Grand Order themed stickers.
The Moon Tonight Bleeds
Assets for an original game level I built in Unity over one semester, where you explore a manor that's been raided by strange beasts.

Player idle

NPC idle

Boss arrival

Tileset for environment
Screenshots after building the level in Unity




Life of St. Zita
Scenes from the vita of St. Zita of Lucca, a 13th-century servant. Inspired by medieval life altarpieces, one for a saint who (as far as we know) hasn't one.

I. "He reached out his hands and attacked her bold as brass, so that she might fall into the night of foulest evildoing."

II. "A pilgrim, suffering badly...sought alms from her, and she had nothing with which to succour the poor man. ...She urged the poor pilgrim to wait until she could bring him some fresh water from the well...when he tasted the water it had been divinely turned into wine."

III. (During a famine) "She went at once to one of her master's stores, which contained an abundance of beans.... The master of the household, unaware of this, decided that the beans which he had in that bin were to be sold, and....the bin was found to be full."
![IV. "Zita took [her master's cloak] from her shoulders and wrapped the poor man in it. ....When she came home without the cloak, her master attacked her with bitter reproaches. ...But oh the immense clemency of the divine goodness! At the hour of terce, the pauper appeared in the middle of the stairs, presenting the most beautiful aspect to the beholders."](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/4b5bfff2-0487-4541-8560-88d5a49887b8/0a6a1215-aee6-4523-8f36-ac9cf185864b_rw_1200.png?h=edb2e23c80943c27966163ea0a67b847)
IV. "Zita took [her master's cloak] from her shoulders and wrapped the poor man in it. ....When she came home without the cloak, her master attacked her with bitter reproaches. ...But oh the immense clemency of the divine goodness! At the hour of terce, the pauper appeared in the middle of the stairs, presenting the most beautiful aspect to the beholders."

V. (On pilgrimage) "When the handmaid of God had drunk a little water a woman appeared to her, the Mother of the Son of God.... They went on together."

VI. (Death) "'Let's go, let's go, let's run to the church of San Frediano, for St. Zita has died.'"

VII. "His only son was truly thought to be dead but by the merits of this holy virgin was awakened."
Caption quotations from Zita's vita in Saints and Cities in Medieval Italy, edited and translated by Diana Webb, published by Manchester University Press (2007).
Essay explaining pictorial decisions and research into Zita's cult for people who enjoy Times New Roman here.
Daily creatures
Daily creature ideas after allergies put an end to daily cat drawings, not a few drawn with sushi in mind.
The mass of them can be found on Instagram.
The mass of them can be found on Instagram.